Current Projects

  • Social Media, Peer Relationships, and Mental Health

    I study how teens’ social media use impacts their social and emotional health, including relationships with peers, depressive symptoms, suicide risk, sleep, and health-risk behaviors. I conduct both qualitative and quantitative research on these topics.

  • Effects of Social Media on Teens' Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors

    I am studying how social media use affects risk for suicide among adolescents. I use many different methods in this work, including online experimental tasks, eye-tracking, self-report measures, qualitative interviews, and machine learning analyses of social media data. (Funding: NIMH, AFSP)

  • Parental Monitoring of Teens' Social Media Use

    Using ecological momentary assessment, qualitative interviews, and an observational interaction task, Dr. Jennifer Wolff and I are investigating how parents can more effectively manage their teens’ social media use. (Funding: NICHD)

Select Publications